
Medicine Matters

News from the UVa Department of Medicine

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Awards and Achievements – January 2021

Congratulations to Drs Taison Bell and Andy Wolf who have been named Outstanding Faculty Award winners for 2021 by the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). The SCHEV…

Message from Dr. Eric Houpt, Division Chief, Infectious Diseases and International Health

2020 will go down in infamy, and it is great to have it behind us. The Infectious Diseases and International Health Division continued our everyday work in the clinic and…

Message from the Chair – January 2021

I hope that everyone had a great holiday and was able to take some time off from the stresses of the pandemic world. This month it is fitting that we…

Medicine Matters Newsletter – January 2021

The January 2021 Medicine Matters Newsletter features the Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health. We welcome your feedback and continued updates, which can be sent to: Kim Kelley-Wagner at

Personal Reflections on a Pandemic by Thomas AE Platts-Mills, MD

By Thomas AE Platts-Mills, MD While starting to think about an annual report on the division, I realized that it was irrational not to think about the context. For the…

Message from Dr Thomas AE Platts-Mills – Division Chief, Allergy & Immunology, December 2020

2020 will be a year-long remembered by those in the Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Division, and not just for a bloody pandemic. Speaking of pandemics, I have written a personal…