
Category: News and Notes

Club Red Asks: Do You Know Your Heart Age?


UVA Club Red’s 2016 Heart Month campaign is “Young at Heart,” which centers around the Heart Age Predictor tool that the CDC promoted this past fall. Using data from the Framingham…

Erika Ramsdale Appointed DOM’s First Associate Chair for Diversity and Inclusion


Department of Medicine Chair Mitch Rosner announced on January 24 that DOM has created a new leadership position -- associate chair for diversity and inclusion. He appointed Erika Ramsdale, MD,…

Faculty Profile: Heather Cox Hall, PharmD


Heather Cox Hall, PharmD, is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases (ID), and Pharmacy Clinical Coordinator for Infectious Diseases, with responsibility, in collaboration with ID's Amy…

UVA Added to Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation Care Center Network


The Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation has selected University of Virginia Health System to join the foundation’s PFF Care Center Network. As part of the PFF Care Center Network, UVA will have…

“Running a Fever” Program Supports ID Runners


Bill Petri (right), chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases, reports that the division launched a new program in 2015, "Running a Fever," whereby division employees -- faculty, staff, students,…

DOM Employee of the Month: ID’s Pam Schaefer


DOM’s Employee of the Month, Pam Schaefer, is a grants and contract administrator in the Division of Infectious Diseases and International Health – and that’s a division with a LOT…