
Rheumatology’s Don Kimpel Receives “Best Bedside Manner” Award from OurHealth

Congratulations to Donald Kimpel in the Rheumatology division for receiving a “Best Bedside Manner” award in a contest sponsored by OurHealth magazine (Charlottesville/ Shenandoah Valley edition). The results of the contest were published in the inaugural edition of OurHealth, which came out in November.

The editor of OurHealth, Steve McClintic, says there were almost 10,000 votes cast in the contest. The OurHealth website describes the awards and the process:

The 2015 Best Bedside Manner Awards, presented by OurHealth Shenandoah Valley & Charlottesville magazine, honor medical providers who were voted by the local community for their kindness, empathy and attentiveness—attributes that go a long way in gaining a patient’s confidence.

The voting process: From May 1 to June 15, 2015, the Best Bedside Manner Awards Voting Form was available on OurHealth’s website, The form consisted of over 40 medical specialties (with definitions of each specialty) in which the public could submit the first and last names of local medical providers by the applicable specialty.

A full list of winners in OurHealth’s 2015 Best Bedside Manner Awards is available here.

Filed Under: News and Notes
