Alban Gaultier, PhD
Research on how fermented food may prevent depression and anxiety from Associate Professor of Neuroscience Alban Gaultier, PhD, and collaborators was covered widely by national and international news outlets.
Lactobacillus, a bacterium found in fermented foods and yogurt, was discovered to help the body manage stress and may help prevent depression and anxiety. The new research pinpoints the role of Lactobacillus, separating it out from all the other microorganisms that naturally live in and on our bodies.
These organisms are collectively known as the microbiota, and scientists have increasingly sought to target them to battle disease and improve our health. This research illuminates how gut-resident Lactobacillus influences mood disorders, by tuning the immune system and could pave the way towards discovering much-needed therapeutics for anxiety and depression.
Read the full story at Yahoo News.
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