M. Kathryn Mutter, MD, MPH
M. Kathryn Mutter, MD, MPH, an associate professor of emergency medicine, was featured in AAMC News story about Transition to Residency (TTR) courses, often referred to as TTR bootcamps, that prepare medical students for the rigors of residency. Dr. Mutter runs the UVA School of Medicine’s intern readiness course that our medical students take as a graduation requirement.
“Every year, when we start our simulations, we have some students standing uncomfortably at the foot of the bed, and by the end of the course, we throw out, ‘The patient presents with chest pain and low oxygen,’ and they shoot back, ‘Let’s get an EKG, chest x-ray, vital signs, and oxygen’,” says Dr. Mutter. “It makes us proud.”
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