(From left) Conner McDonald, MD, and Chris Holstege, MD
Conner McDonald, MD, in the Department of Emergency Medicine, and Chris Holstege, MD, in the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Pediatrics and chief of the UVA Division of Medical Toxicology, were featured in over 100 news outlets both nationally and internationally, including the Daily Mail, discussing the increase in seizures among children following the consumption of legal and illegal drugs.
A new study reveals that the number of U.S. children experiencing seizures after ingesting prescription medications or illicit drugs has doubled in recent years. “Seizure is one of the most severe symptoms a poisoned patient can experience, and children are particularly vulnerable,” says University of Virginia School of Medicine researcher Dr. McDonald. “Depending on variables such as where a seizure happens, how long it continues and the pre-existing health of the child, seizures can lead to long-term damage or even death.”
This increase in seizures among children “is extremely worrying and must be addressed,” says researcher Dr. Holstege.
Read full article in U.S. News & World Report.
Filed Under: Media Highlights