
Wisdom and Wellbeing Quick Check Assessment

April 28, 2022 by

The WCH team recently participated in a Wisdom and Wellbeing Quick Check assessment. Thank you to the 110 team members that responded. The Wisdom and Wellbeing approach invites us to think about the challenges in our work through the lens of the stress continuum and color coded zones of green, yellow, orange, and red.

  • The green and yellow zones represent a space where we are working together to be our best
  • The orange zone is a space with we are feeling the drain and need to use more energy for routine tasks or see changes in behavior in response to work events
  • The red zone represents where team members see the need for tangible help to manage the stress experience or address team issues

screen shot of green, yellow, orange and red (SCM)

graphic that shows challenges outcomes

graphic that shows strengths outcomes

As a team, we can work together to “grow the green”. One of the ways that we can grow the green is to have a series of dialogs about the strengths and challenges that we face. We invite our team members to use the Strengths and Challenges images to start a dialog about what is going well in your teams.

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