
Tag: RS3YK

DeBoer and Scharf Study Recognized


Please congratulate Dr. Mark DeBoer and Dr. Rebecca Scharf for the national recognition of their study presented at PAS: DeBoer M, Peck T, and Scharf R. Viewing as Little as…

Patient Praise 9-2-14


Enjoy these comments the Health System has received from patients and families! Dr. Burt-Solorzano is consistently patient, calm, attentive and absolutely sincere in her concern for our son's health. I…

Grants Corner


Dr. Brian Belyea Awarded: K08 with NIH (NIDDK) Title: Role of Renin Progenitors in Hematopoiesis Dates: 7/01/2014 thru 03/31/2019 Amount funded for total project: 748,820     Project Abstract: The…

Publication: Drs. DeBoer and Scharf


Check out this article about the link between obesity and preschoolers drinking sugary drinks. The research paper was written by Dr. DeBoer and Dr. Scharf and was recently published in…