
Quality Corner: Continuous Change & Maintenance of Certification

May 11, 2018 by

Continuous Change

Walk around the hospital and it seems like things are constantly changing. On the 7th floor, we are reminded of this with the renovations over the last two years. Within the quality improvement world, continuous quality improvement (CQI) is a reminder that evidence and best practice continually evolve. If we are not changing then we are likely not providing the best care possible to our patients. Continuous change is not just for how we practice medicine, but also for how we observe and learn about our practice.

As the Health System’s only “Model Cell” Service Line, the 7th and 8th floor and the Battle Building have been implementing several new means of communication and observation to improve the way we provide healthcare. One such was is evaluating patients for risks on a shift-to-shift basis. On 7 Acute, for example, the Unit Based Leadership team is focusing on decreasing unanticipated transfers to the PICU. The 7 Acute team has decided to focus on a special population, those with neuromuscular disabilities who require respiratory support, to assess if interventions are helping. On a daily basis, they are assessing risks by looking at this patient population to see if the front-line team members (bedside nurse, resident, respiratory therapist) have the tools they need to ensure safe care. Check out each unit and clinic to see what risk assessment is occurring on a daily basis. If you have questions, do not hesitate to check in with the UBL team.


Maintenance of Certification

Recently, the University of Virginia Department of Pediatrics and Children’s Hospital was approved by the American Board of Pediatrics to be a Maintenance of Certification (MOC) Portfolio Sponsor. MOC is the Board’s process to ensure that all providers have maintained satisfactory knowledge and skill to continue to be Certified. A part of MOC includes “Evaluating One’s Own Practice” through quality improvement projects. As a Portfolio Sponsor, the Department and Children’s Hospital can now approve MOC quality projects for physicians at no cost to the participants. Physicians will no longer have to submit projects for approval to the American Board of Pediatrics but can now instead submit an application to the Department for approval. This will save both time and money! If you have any questions, please ask Dr. Matherne or Dr. Swanson

Filed Under: Features
