
Policy Corner

June 1, 2015 by

From Dr. James Nataro: In an effort to improve continuously the service we provide to our patients and families, our clinical leadership has (thoroughly and laboriously) developed the attached plan to facilitate admission to our inpatient units from our own outpatient clinical venues (including North Ridge Pediatrics, Orange Pediatrics, and ALL UVA Children’s Hospital clinics). 
If after reviewing the process, you have questions, you can direct them to me, Paul Matherne or Jon Swanson.  Know that the protocol was thoroughly vetted and represents the best efforts of our clinical leaders. Thanks for your outstanding efforts to serve the children of our region everyday.


Internal Referrals to UVA CH for Unscheduled Inpatient Admission (North Ridge Pediatrics, Orange Pediatrics, and ALL UVA CH clinics)

Acute Care Pediatrics

  • If admitting to your own service please call the bed center 434-924-5156 and then call the admitting resident on your service to provide report and hand off of care.
  • If admitting to general pediatrics service page the triage officer PIC 9482 (usually pediatric chief on call) and he or she will coordinate getting the correct services to facilitate the admission.
  • If bed is available and if the child is in the Battle building call Medic 5 (2-2000) for internal transport support.
  • If there is no bed available the triage officer will contact the CH medical administrator on call to determine appropriate disposition.
  • If patient needs IV, blood work or other tests the default is to be admitted thru the ED. Please call the Peds ED 924-9273 and ask to speak with the Peds ED attending.

Pediatric Intensive Care

  • Call the PICU (434-924-1761) and ask to speak with the PICU attending.
  • If no answer after 7 rings page PICU attending on call (PIC 1867).
  • If bed is available and if the child is in the Battle building call Medic 5 (2-2000) for internal transport support to the PICU.
  • If bed is available and the child is at North Ridge Pediatrics or Orange Pediatrics the PICU will assist with contacting Medcom if transportation is needed.
  • The PICU will coordinate getting the correct services to facilitate the admission.
  • If bed is not available, the PICU will coordinate with the ED to take care of child until PICU bed available or disposition made.

Neonatal Intensive Care

  • If the patient is an infant that needs management of Hyperbilrubinemia and is at the exchange transfusion level, page the NICU fellow PIC 9238 to determine location for the admission.
  • If bed is available and if the child is in the Battle building call Medic 5 (2-2000) for internal transport support to the NICU.
  • If bed is available and the child is at North Ridge Pediatrics or Orange Pediatrics the NICU will assist with contacting Medcom if transportation is needed.
  • The NICU will coordinate getting the correct services to facilitate the admission.

All admissions to UVA CH need to be initiated in the ED if the child needs any of the following urgently:

  • IV access
  • Blood work
  • Radiology imaging

To facilitate please call the Peds ED 924-9273 and ask to speak with the Peds ED attending.

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