
Direct Call for Outside Hospital Transfers

June 9, 2014 by School of Medicine Webmaster

phone iconDirectCall, a vendor that specializes in transfer services for hundreds of hospitals and healthcare organizations across the country, started managing requests from external hospitals and healthcare agencies to the UVA Medical Center on June 2, 2014.

What to do if a Referring Physician Calls You Directly: If you get a telephone call directly from an outside hospital or physician’s office, please obtain the referring physician’s name and telephone number, then call 1-844-GOUVATC and ask DirectCall to contact the referring physician. We do not recommend that you try to obtain the information first and bring DirectCall in afterwards.

Where is Important Paperwork Saved? Transfer-related documentation will be e-faxed to an email group monitored 24/7 in Health Information Services (HIS), then scanned into the patient’s Epic chart, and can be found in the Media Tab under “Outside Facility – Transfer Scan”.

Website Information: UVAHS Marketing has updated their website ( It provides phone numbers to call for transfers and physician consultations and a list of information requirements for referring physicians/agencies that are most commonly needed during the transfer process. A postcard with the contact information was mailed to 14,000 addresses.

Questions: Contact Sarah Ferrell (, PIC 3189) or Tom Berry (, PIC 3516) for assistance (page if immediate assistance needed).

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