
Tell Us What You Think and Recognize Your Colleagues!

October 6, 2014 by School of Medicine Webmaster

As you all know, the University Health System has been working with Gallup to effectively determine and increase the level of Employee Engagement throughout the many departments in the Health System. We have noted, and are beginning to implement, ideas, practices, and plans to increase engagement in the Department of Pediatrics. One such practice is to create an avenue for you to both provide positive suggestions for the department and/or provide acknowledgement and appreciation for your colleagues.

In three locations (Pediatrics Admin Suite, West Complex 3rd floor; Pediatric HR, Collins Wing (formerly Barringer Wing) 2nd floor; and MR4-2nd floor) a Suggestion/Kudos box has been set up for you to provide suggestions/ideas for the department as well as kudos for your colleagues.

Attached to each box is a slot with a pen and cards for you to provide your feedback. The Kudos side of the card offers suggestions that you can check or a place to write your own comments. Existing comments you can check are:

  • Your CAN DO attitude had made all the difference
  • It is your careful attention to detail that makes you so special
  • The services that you provided exceeded all expectations
  • Thank you for always smiling, your attitude makes my day

Regarding the Suggestion side – We ask that suggestions you provide be more than just an idea. Please include details on how the suggestion could be implemented including “why” and “how” the idea will impact the department.

We invite those of you are who are not located near a suggestion box to provide suggestions and kudos to Jenn Oliver, PO Box 800386 or Jenn will include your comments with the collected data.

It is our intention to use this feedback and include you in the some of the information we receive, by incorporating some of the kudos in the Kids Matter newsletter. Thank you for all that you do to make the Department of Pediatrics a place of great service, outstanding patient care, and an increasingly engaged environment.

Filed Under: What's New