
Year: 2021

COVID-19 Children’s Corner


Updates on Epidemiology, Variants, Vaccines, Immunity and More… by Dr. Debbie-Ann Shirley, Division Head of Pediatric Infectious Disease COVID-19 in children. It has been a year since the very first…

Updates on the Strategic Planning Process


By Dr. James Nataro As many of you know, last January UVA Children's kicked off a formal and ambitious strategic planning process. We contracted with Whitecap Health Advisors who, COVID-19…

Nebulous Conversations in Uncertain Circumstances: Improving Counseling at Borderline Viability


By Dr. Peter Murray, Neonatologist, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Q. Tell me about what you are working on now. A. Currently, I am part of a national group studying several…

Helping NICU Babies Get Home Faster: The iPad Program


By Jeffrey Vergales, MD & Brooke Vergales, MD Q: Please briefly summarize your iPad program. Jeff: We run a remote monitoring program for high-risk populations. Four years ago, we developed…