J. Kim Penberthy, PhD
Jennifer Kim Penberthy, MD has been elected to serve as president of the American Psychological Association’s Division 12 which is the Society of Clinical Psychology. The Society of Clinical Psychology (SCP, APA Division 12) represents the field of clinical psychology and encourages the integration of psychological science and practice in education, research, advocacy, and public policy. SCP offers resources for clinicians, continuing education, and committees to represent groups within the field. In theory, training, and practice, the society strives to recognize the importance of diversity and strives to understand the roles of gender, culture, ethnicity, race, sexual orientation, and other dimensions of diversity. The mission of the Society of Clinical Psychology is to represent the field of Clinical Psychology through encouragement and support of the integration of clinical psychological science and practice in education, research, application, advocacy and public policy, attending to the importance of diversity.
The SCP is a nationally respected organization with former presidents including Dr. Carl Rogers, Dr. O. Herbert Mowrer, Dr. Julian Rotter, Dr. Hans Strupp, Dr. David Barlow and Dr. Martin Seligman. Dr. Penberthy has declared a presidential theme focused on increasing innovation in and expanding access to clinical and health psychology.
Filed Under: Faculty, Honors & Awards