Brian Kobilka, MD (lt), Ariel Gomez, MD (ctr), and Maria Luisa Sequeira Lopez, MD (rt)
The Gomez and Sequeira Lopez labs in the Department of Pediatrics Child Health Research Center attended the American Heart Association Hypertension Scientific Sessions in San Diego, California, September 7-10, 2022. The meeting focuses on recent advances in basic and clinical research on hypertension and is considered the premier scientific meeting on hypertension in the world. The keynote speaker was Brian Kobilka, MD, a Nobel laureate and professor from the Department of Molecular and Cellular Physiology at Stanford Univesrity’s School of Medicine.
Ariel Gomez, MD, the Harrison Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics and director of the Department of Pediatrics Child Health Research Center, served as chair of the Hypertension 2022 Program Committee. Maria Luisa Sequeira Lopez, MD, the Harrison Distinguished Professor in Pediatrics and Biology, presented the Harriet Dustan Award Lecture as this year’s recipient of this prestigious award.
Other members of the Gomez and Sequeira Lopez labs who attended and gave oral presentations include Jason Smith, PhD, Senior Scientist-Bioinformatician, Alexandre DeGoes Martini, MD, Research Associate, and Vidya Kusma Harinathan, PhD, Instructor of Research. Team members who presented posters include Bing Xue, a graduate student in the Center for Public Health Genomics and Jesus Neyra, UVA undergraduate student. Silvia Medrano, PhD, Senior Scientist, moderated the Session “Editing the Genome and Epigenome: Implications for Translational Medicine.” Professor of Medicine and UVA School of Medicine Dean Emeritus, Robert Carey, MD, introduced one of the Excellence in Hypertension Research awardees.
- Gomez and Sequeira Lopez lab members
- Ariel Gomez, MD
- Maria Luisa Sequeira Lopez, MD and Ariel Gomez, MD
Filed Under: Faculty, Honors & Awards