Drs. D’Abreu, Manning, and Petri (lt to rt)
University Advancement’s Office of Engagement has honored six UVA faculty, three from the School of Medicine, with a 2022 Distinguished Scholar Award—a recognition of their critical work in educating and enriching the lives of UVA alumni, friends, and families. Provost Ian Baucom presented the awards at an annual faculty reception hosted by the Office of Engagement on September 29 at the Boar’s Head Resort. The event also acknowledged a total of 150 faculty and administrators from all 12 University schools for partnering on 165 educational opportunities for the UVA community this year.
The 2022 Distinguished Scholars from UVA’s School of Medicine include Anelyssa D’Abreu, MD, Associate Professor of Neurology; Carol Manning, PhD, Professor of Neurology and Nursing and director of the Memory & Aging Care Clinic; and William (Bill) Petri Jr., MD, Wade Hampton Frost Professor of Medicine and Vice Chair for Research of the Department of Medicine.
The other three faculty recipients of the award were Elgin Cleckley, Assistant Professor of Architecture, School of Architecture; James Loeffler, Berkowitz Professor of Jewish History and Kolodiz Director of Jewish Studies, Corcoran Department of History, College and Graduate School of Arts & Sciences; and Laura Morgan Roberts, Associate Professor of Business Administration, Darden School of Business.
The Office of Engagement used the following criteria to select these outstanding faculty for this year’s Distinguished Scholars Award:
- Passionate: exhibited a high interest in teaching and sharing knowledge
- Creative: employed a unique method of presentation
- Heroic: presented the lecture despite personal or technical challenges
- Enthusiastic: created a powerful connection with the audience
- Influential: expanded audience knowledge beyond the presentation
- Relevant: included the most recent and unbiased information on the topic

Drs. Manning and D’Abreu (lt to rt)
Drs. Anelyssa D’Abreu and Carol Manning were jointly recognized for participating in two talks on dementia in 2021. Their first presentation provided a general overview of dementia, focusing on Alzheimer’s disease. The second presentation discussed Lewy body dementia and featured a screening of the film SPARK: Robin Williams and His Battle with Lewy Body Dementia. Over 1500 registrants tuned into their programs, a reflection of the broad nature and importance of their work.
Dr. William Petri has been a hero for the University community and the residents of the greater Charlottesville area during the unprecedented fear and uncertainty of the pandemic. Petri offered his scientific expertise calmly and reassuringly on several occasions. His most recent program, On-Air with UVA, had 500 registrants and served as an update on the pandemic. Previously, Petri headlined an On-Air program with more than 1600 registrants, showcasing his knowledge and influence on this vital topic at an early and delicate point in the pandemic’s trajectory.
The Distinguished Scholars Award honors these faculty for sharing their expertise, research, books, and depth of knowledge with members of the UVA community across the globe. Their thoughtful and purposeful acts of service engaged alums, friends, and families in the life of the University of Virginia.
Article contributed by UVA Health Systems Development Office.
Filed Under: Faculty, Honors & Awards