Susan Pollart, MD, (far left) and Dean Melina Kibbe, MD, (far right) welcome faculty at the 2024 New Faculty Retreat.
The School of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development held their annual New Faculty Retreat at the Colonnade Club on Wednesday, September 11. The School of Medicine has hosted this event over several decades, with this year’s retreat having a record 100 new faculty attendees.
“We love welcoming and gathering our new faculty members at this annual informative networking event. Every year, amazing personal and professional collaborations arise from this celebration,” says Susan M. Pollart, MD, the Ruth E. Murdaugh Professor of Family Medicine and senior associate dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development.
The morning kicked off with opening remarks by School of Medicine Dean Melina Kibbe, MD, and an introduction of new department chairs and senior leaders who were in attendance. After her remarks, department chairs introduced each of their new faculty attendees.
Throughout the morning, faculty learned about the structure of the School of Medicine and the Office of Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development, networked with their colleagues, spent time in small groups with peer-consultants who discussed strategies around academic advancement, and were introduced to key leaders representing offices and resources they will connect with as they build their academic careers at UVA.
Welcome all of our new faculty and thanks to everyone who helped make this retreat an exciting start to our new colleagues’ careers!
Later this month, we will begin a new story series in the Medicine in Motion newsletter highlighting our newly hired faculty. Be on the lookout for the first article coming soon, which will spotlight faculty hired in June through August 2024.