
New Requirements for 2023–2024 SOM Promotion and Tenure

March 28, 2023 by

Promotion and tenure sign with people rejoicingThe Office of Faculty Affairs manages all promotion and tenure actions at the School level for both regular cycle actions and expedited reviews for retention purposes. The procedures for promotion to the Associate Professor and Professor levels for all tracks, as well as the award of tenure, are fully outlined on the Promotion and Tenure – Faculty Affairs & Development webpage. This announcement is intended to provide information about the promotion and tenure adjustments implemented School-wide for the current 2023-2024 promotion and tenure cycle. These improvements clarify faculty expectations with respect to promotion and tenure, highlight features core to the school’s mission, and ensure fairness and consistency in the evaluation process.

P&T Changes

Part of a faculty member’s duties is to contribute to the intellectual and personal development of students/trainees, and School of Medicine faculty members perform admirably in this respect.  Each candidate seeking promotion can submit a teaching portfolio as part of their promotion dossier. For 2023-24, to assure all faculty seeking advancement have contributed to the development of our trainees, P&T candidates are asked to submit a statement demonstrating their engagement with learners in their mission area of excellence (clinical, research, education, or community)

Each year, during the annual review process, supervisors are asked to discuss adherence to our ASPIRE values with their faculty supervisees. At the time of application for promotion, the nominating department chair is asked to attest to each candidate’s adherence to the ASPIRE values.  Beginning this year, candidates are asked to include a brief self-evaluation in their personal statement regarding adherence to ASPIRE values by describing at least one example of activities that demonstrate an ASPIRE value.

Other changes in P&T are:

  • For Clinical Faculty, Instructional Faculty, and Research Support Faculty requesting promotion to Associate Professor, external independent (at-arm’s-length) referee letters are optional and no longer required. All other promotions and tenure will continue to require a minimum of three external independent letters. For further information, please visit the Referee Requirements
  • Journal impact factors and H-indices should not be reported, and journal ranks are optional. Citation numbers should be reported. For further information and instructions, please see the CV file format on the P&T Dossier
  • The number of faculty applying for promotions has steadily increased over the past half dozen years, and our committee now consistently reviews over one hundred applications for advancement without any change in the size of the workforce doing these important reviews. To reduce the demands on the individual committee members and allow the focused discussion and review of similar applications, the SOM Promotion and Tenure reviews will now be done by two committees: one for faculty seeking advancement on the Clinical Faculty and Instructional Faculty tracks, and the other for faculty seeking promotion on the Academic Investigators, Clinician Educators, Clinician Investigators Research Faculty-Support and Research Faculty-Independent.

Changes mentioned above will be effective in the 2023-2024 promotion and tenure cycle. All materials will be updated and available April 1, 2023.


Promotion and Tenure – Faculty Affairs & Development

Personal Statement

Referee Requirements

P&T Dossier


Filed Under: Faculty