On Thursday, February 2, 2023, the Committee on Women in Medicine and Science (COWIMS) hosted a mentoring event at the Center for Global Health Equity. Attendees met in small groups with faculty mentors. Mentors included Susan Pollart, MD, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs & Development and Professor of Family Medicine, discussing Negotiation and Professional Communication Skills; Carol Manning, PhD, Professor of Neurology, and Barb Mann, PhD, Associate Professor of Medicine, discussing Leadership; Posy Marzani, MD, Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, discussing Work-Life Balance/Wellness; and Regan Royer, MD, Associate Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, discussing Caregiving (family members, childcare, pets).
The event was organized by COWIMS Programming/Events Subcommittee Co-chairs Alyssa Mixon, DO, Assistant Professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, and Kathryn Xixis, MD, Assistant Professor of Neurology.
Kate McManus, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine and Chair of the Committee on Women in Medicine and Science was in attendance to welcome attendees. COWIMS was honored that School of Medicine Dean Melina Kibbe, MD attended the event as well, and participated in the small-group mentoring activities.
Following the mentoring activities, attendees were able to connect and further discuss topics related to mentorship, over refreshments during the reception portion of the event. COWIMS would like to thank the Center for Global Health Equity for providing the venue for this event!
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Filed Under: Faculty