The Center for Telehealth was selected as a recipient of the USDA Rural Healthcare Emergency Grant program Track 2 award. This is a $6,824,213 total project for which we and our partners provided matching funds (ours are in the form of matching funds from other grants, and the recent Medical Center support for Project ECHO) and for which the USDA will provide $5,118,100.00. The award includes $972,816.00 in indirects for the SOM.
Our project partners are:
- UVA Wise
- Ballad Health
- Tri-Area Health
- The Health Wagon
- The Southwest Virginia Health Authority (chaired by Delegate Kilgore).
The goal is to improve Appalachian regional infrastructure, training programs (Project ECHO), access to Long Covid services, and to put in place strategic planning in partnership with the College at Wise and the SW Virginia Health Authority.
Filed Under: Faculty, Honors & Awards