The CEE inaugural class and educators include: (left to right, back row) Dana Redick, Kristen Wells, Michael Ryan, Adrian Halme, Laura Hoeg, Jessica Greenfield and (front row, left to right) Elizabeth Bradley, Jose Mattos, Jess Dreicer, Libby Weaver, Michelle Adu-Darko, Sarah R. Boggs, Zach Boggs, Meg Keeley, Jim Martindale (not pictured: Andrew Parsons)
The Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) welcomed the inaugural class of CEE Scholars on Tuesday, October 3. This diverse group of 11 faculty is comprised of educators across eight departments in the School of Medicine.
Over the next 18 months, the scholars will develop expertise in educational scholarship and work with mentors to produce an educational project ready for dissemination. The scholars were very eager to begin their work and develop a learning community.
The purpose of the CEE Scholars Program is to advance excellence in education through development of faculty expertise in educational scholarship. This program is possible through gracious support from Meg Keeley, MD, the senior associate dean for education and is led by the CEE Director Michael S. Ryan, MD, MEHP and faculty within the CEE including: Elizabeth Bradley, PhD, Jim Martindale, PhD, and Jessica Greenfield, PhD.
Congratulations to the first class of CEE Scholars!
- Michelle Adu-Darko, MD, Pediatrics
- Zach Boggs, MD, Medicine
- Sarah R. Boggs, MD, Pediatrics
- Jess Dreicer, MD, Medicine
- Adrian Halme, PhD, Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program
- Laura Hoeg, MD, Family Medicine
- Jose Luis Mattos, MD, MPH, Otolaryngology
- Andrew Parsons, MD, Medicine
- Dana Redick, MD, OB/GYN
- M. Libby Weaver, MD, Surgery
- Kristen Wells, PhD, MPH, Public Health Sciences
Learn more about the CEE and Scholars Program.