Neeral Shah, MD, Director of Academy for Excellence in Education
The Academy for Excellence in Education is pleased to announce the Fall Call for membership applications for the 2022-2023 academic year. The AEE was founded to create an inclusive learning community of educators and foster and honor educational excellence in the UVA School of Medicine. The AEE provides membership, networking, mentoring, professional development, and grant opportunities.
Any SOM faculty member who contributes to education through training, teaching, and advising of undergraduate, medical or graduate students, residents, clinical or postdoctoral research fellows, or colleagues may apply for membership. Likewise, trainees who are actively engaged in a UVA health sciences or biomedical sciences postgraduate training program may apply for AEE membership. A roster of current members is available at https://faculty.med.virginia.edu/facultyaffairs/academy/current-members/.
Interested faculty and trainees are encouraged to visit the AEE’s website to download the appropriate application and review membership benefits, eligibility requirements and expectations, and application instructions (see https://faculty.med.virginia.edu/facultyaffairs/academy/membership/).
Please note the following key dates on the membership application timeline:
- Applications due: October 30, 2022 (11:59pm)
- Membership notifications: November 16, 2022
It’s an exciting time to join the AEE’s community of educators in fostering educational excellence across UVA Health!
Please contact Tajie Harris, PhD, Associate Professor of Neuroscience, Chair, Academy for Excellence in Education Membership Committee, or Gina Andersen, PhD, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, Vice-Chair, Academy for Excellence in Education Membership Committee.
Filed Under: Faculty