
Faculty Development Blog

University of Virginia School of Medicine

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Upcoming Workshop! Transitions & Changes: Eldercare

Upcoming workshop! Transitions & Changes: Eldercare Learn: • How to navigate practical concerns involved in elder caregiving and have conversations with elders about their care Presented by Brenda Wilson, MSW,…

Upcoming Workshop! Journal Club

Upcoming workshop! Journal Club Moderated by James Martindale, PhD Tuesday, November 14, 2017 12:00 - 1:00 PM Conference Room 2008L, Pinn Hall 1 CME Credit This month’s article is: Mink,…

Meet Brent DeGeorge, MD, PhD, Assistant Professor of Plastic Surgery

This post is part of a series of interviews with new and junior faculty. Stay tuned for more interviews with your colleagues! Q: How long have you been at UVA…

Faculty News Weekly Round-Up: November 3

UVA SOM Faculty News Weekly Round-Up November 3 • Study Examines Potential of Sound Waves to Manage Parkinson's Disease Participants in a pilot study to determine if focused ultrasound can…

Upcoming Workshop! Social Networking for Researchers

Upcoming workshop! Social Networking for Researchers Learn: • About the overall importance of professional social networking • How to use platforms like ResearchGate, ORCID, and Twitter for social networking Presented…

Upcoming Workshop! iMovie Basics

Upcoming workshop! iMovie Basics Learn: • How to edit video, including adding audio and other effects • How to publish and share video Presented by Stephanie Fielding Wednesday, November 8,…