Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Date: May 10, 2023 - May 18, 2023
Start Time: 7:00 am
End Time: 8:00 am
Event LinkNote: There are three different sessions of this event. For reference on dates and locations, please see Faculty Affairs & Development Promotion and Tenure.
Panelists: Bimal Desai, PhD, Associate Professor of Pharmacology; Kari Ring, MD, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology; Margaret Sande, MD, Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine; and Chongzhi Zang, PhD, Associate Professor of Public Health Sciences
Moderated by Susan M. Pollart, MD, MS, Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development and Ruth E. Murdaugh Professor of Family Medicine and Robert Nakamoto, PhD, SOM Coordinator of Academic Achievement
Description/Learning Objectives: This event is a panel discussion with faculty who have successfully navigated the promotions and tenure process. This interactive session is an opportunity for identified candidates for promotion and tenure to ask questions about their individual portfolios. The panelists will answer questions and share tips and strategies for preparing the portfolio, navigating the promotions process, and demonstrating and documenting excellence, reputation, scholarship, and service. Following the session, participants will be able to list resources available to assist with preparing for the promotions and tenure process; describe elements of the P&T timeline; define how to format a CV for P&T purposes and how to develop a P&T portfolio; and understand the different categories of referees. Registrants should review a series of videos in advance of attending the panel workshop. (1 CME credit)
Filed Under: Events