Location: Medical Education Building 3rd floor Auditorium
Date: Apr 11, 2024 - Apr 11, 2024
Start Time: 12:00 pm
End Time: 1:00 pm
Event LinkPresented by: Julie K. Silver, MD, Associate Professor and Associate Chair, Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Harvard Medical School, Massachusetts General Hospital, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital
Description/learning outcomes: Although there has been great progress in some aspects of gender equity for women in medicine, there are still many sticky floors and thick glass ceilings. The pandemic created new barriers that have set women back, and there is an urgent need to assess the current status and look for new opportunities to accelerate gender equity. In this forward-thinking presentation, Dr. Julie Silver focuses on new research and opportunities to strategically home in on key equity issues and accelerate progress for women and others who identify with underrepresented groups. She describes strategies to empower women in medicine that are aimed at three levels: organizational level, department/division level, and at the level of an individual. Dr. Silver discusses how to identify tipping points and use various bodies of research and best practices from medicine, law, and social sciences to create a culture of inclusion. She also offers tips on how to enhance productivity while simultaneously decreasing time and effort in order to reduce burnout symptoms and improve work/life balance. Participants will be inspired and armed with new knowledge and skills to advance their careers and support others.
At the conclusion of this lecture, participants will be able to:
- Describe how medicine, law, and social sciences research intersect to create opportunities to accelerate gender equity initiatives
- Identify new research studies and concepts on gender equity for women in medicine
- Describe interorganizational structure discrimination and how individuals and institutions may tackle workforce gender equity issues
(1.00 CME credit)
Target Audience: physicians and other faculty
For more information about this event, contact Patty Brophy.
Filed Under: Events