
Creating scholarship from our daily educational work: using Glassick’s quality criteria as a guide

December 16, 2022 by

Location: Room G1/G2 Pinn Hall Conference Center

Date: Jan 31, 2023 - Jan 31, 2023

Start Time: 12:00 pm

End Time: 1:00 pm

Event Link

Facilitated by Elizabeth Bradley, PhD, Associate Professor of Medical Education; Director of Curriculum Evaluation and Jim Martindale, PhD, Associate Professor of Medical Education; Director of Assessment

Description/Learning Objectives: By the end of this workshop, participants will be able to:
1. Compare “scholarly approach” to “scholarship”
2. List the Glassick’s criteria for evaluating quality scholarship
3. Describe how both research and evaluation can lead to scholarship
4. List options for dissemination of scholarship
5. Apply Glassick’s criteria to your own work to create an action plan for progress

(1 CME credit)

Filed Under: Events