Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting
Date: Mar 23, 2023 - Mar 23, 2023
Start Time: 10:00 am
End Time: 11:00 am
Event LinkFacilitated by Kimberley R. Barker, MLIS, Librarian for Belonging & Community Engagement
Description/Learning Objectives: From traffic routing to self-driving cars, Alexa to Siri, AI’s reach is extending into all areas of life, including healthcare. Join Kimberley to learn more about how AI is being used now, and will be used in the near future, to facilitate provider-patient communication, mine medical records, assess patients, predict illness, suggest treatments, and so much more. This class is freshly updated for 2023 and also includes a section on the bias inherent in AI, which impacts the kind of treatment that patients receive. (1 CME credit)
Register through the event link button. Registrants will receive Zoom log-in details bey email.
Filed Under: Events