Ishaan Rischie (left), and Shreya Mandava
At the recent Interim Meeting of the American Medical Association, two University of Virginia medical students – Shreya Mandava (Class of 2024) and Ishaan Rischie (Class of 2026) – received awards within the AMA Medical Student Section for their outstanding engagement and leadership in health policy development and advocacy.
The American Medical Association is not only the largest national medical association but also one of the largest political lobbying organizations in the United States. Shreya and Ishaan both hold a number of leadership positions within the AMA Medical Student Section as well as within other member specialty and state medical societies. Both students have collaborated with state and national policy organizations like the Medical Society of Virginia, the American Academy of Pediatrics, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Through these collaborations and their own advocacy efforts, they have spurred the development of policies on a range of topics, including medical student wellness, LGBTQ+ health equity, gender equity, health insurance reform, and public health initiatives. Many of the policies they were involved in have now been adopted as national policy that will direct the American Medical Association’s future advocacy. In recognition of this incredible engagement, the AMA Medical Student Association honored Shreya and Ishaan with two of the three awards for outstanding policy involvement by individuals.
Filed Under: Education, Honors & Awards