Innovation in Education Week sponsored by the Center for Excellence in Education will be held February 26 to March 1, 2024. The week will include several learning opportunities, keynote speakers, and networking events. In addition, the week will serve as opportunity to highlight the educational research and innovative work led by faculty and trainees in UME, GME, CME, BIMS, PHS and interprofessional programs associated with the UVA School of Medicine.
Eligibility: Any UVA faculty member, staff member, fellow, resident, postdoc, graduate student, or medical student who has engaged in implementation and evaluation of an educational innovation project or educational research study is eligible to submit. Authors may submit more than one abstract.
Focus: Abstracts can address any aspect of UME, GME, CME, BIMS, PHS and interprofessional education
Please visit the IEW page on the CEE site to view the full call and submit applications through Qualtrics. Submissions should not exceed 500 words (not including title, authors, or references) and no tables or figures may be included. Abstracts may be categorized as either innovation or research. See below for contents for each of these categories.
Both innovation and research abstracts should be grounded on the literature and address a problem relevant to education. Innovations are typically reports of new programs, projects, or educational experiences that highlight insights for the community. There should be some demonstration of effectiveness, but it does not require a comprehensive study. Research abstracts require some empirical investigation and results.
Deadline: February 1, 2024 (11:59 p.m). Submit through Qualtrics.
Review: Only education-focused abstracts will be considered and reviewed. Abstracts will be reviewed and ranked on clarity of the writing, quality of the methodology/approach, and impact of the results/evaluation outcomes. Top rated abstracts will be considered for oral presentation, and all accepted abstracts will be presented as posters.
Notification of acceptance: Those authors of abstracts selected for presentation will be notified January 16, 2024 and will receive detailed poster preparation information.
Further details about the schedule of the week will be posted on the CEE Website.
Questions? Contact Michael S. Ryan, MD, MEHP, Director of the Center for Excellence in Education.
Share your educational research and innovations with your colleagues!
Filed Under: Call for Nominations, Education