Yogindra Raghav
Yogindra Raghav, a second-year PhD student in the Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics program in the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program at UVA, was invited to present a research poster at the prestigious bi-annual Gordon Research Conference on Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation. The conference, held in July in Portland, Maine, brought together a group of 200 students, faculty and staff who are current pioneers in the fields of RNA regulatory biology.
At the conference, Raghav was one of the top 18 PhD students or postdoctoral fellows out of 69 trainee submissions who was invited to present a talk as part of the Gordon Research Seminar. His research poster and talk focused on using interpretable computational approaches to learn how specific proteins drive a crucial biological phenomenon.
Raghav is a graduate student in the lab of John Platig, PhD, an assistant professor in the Departments of Genome Sciences and Biomedical Engineering. Raghav’s research was done in collaboration with Ayan Paul, Shalini Karthyk, Janmejay Vyas, and Jennifer Dy at Northeastern University and Peter Castaldi at Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School.