Please join iThriv for the first seminar in the 2023 Voices in Clinical and Translational Science seminar series presented by iTHRIV.
The Voices in Clinical & Translational Science Seminar series serves as a platform to lift underrepresented voices in research across the iTHRIV partnership with a focus on promoting dialogue and encouraging team science. This virtual seminar series is aimed at amplifying diverse perspectives in clinical and translational research to foster innovation and an inclusive environment. Presenters will share their science and also their lived experience as an underrepresented person in research. It is our hope that listeners will be called to listen more deeply to one another, and to seek new opportunities to broaden their own research in our shared quest to improve the health of our communities in Virginia and beyond.
Registration is free, but required; register through the event link above or here.
After you register, you will receive an email with the Zoom link and a calendar invitation.
Title: Children and Neuromotor Diagnoses: Using Science to Maximize Development
Presented by: Stephanie DeLuca, PhD
Dr. DeLuca has served as PI on numerous randomized controlled trials (RCTs) all of which have a goal of using science to investigated complex bio-behavioral interventions aimed at helping children with disabilities maximizes their development. Currently, she serves as a lead investigator on a 13-site Phase III clinical trial, directs the Treatment Implementation Core, and serves as a Site-PI for Virginia Tech. She also serves as a lead investigator and leads Didactic Interactions for the National Pediatric Rehabilitation Resource Center, as part of the Medical Rehabilitation Research (MR 3) Network. The center is designed to improve and increase pediatric rehabilitation trials to NIH that have immediate and lasting impacts in pediatric rehabilitation.
Filed Under: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, Events