Azziza “Kemi” Bankole, MD, Guest Speaker
The Voices in Clinical & Translational Science series serves as a platform to lift underrepresented voices in research with a focus on promoting dialogue and encouraging team science. This seminar series is aimed at amplifying diverse perspectives in clinical and translational research to foster innovation and an inclusive environment. Presenters will share their science and also their lived experiences as an underrepresented people in research. It is our hope that listeners will be called to listen more deeply to one another, and to seek new opportunities to broaden their own research in our shared quest to improve the health of our communities in Virginia and beyond.
This session will be presented by Azziza “Kemi” Bankole, MD.
Title of Presentation is “Sprints and Marathons: The Realities of Clinical Research”
Dr. Azziza “Kemi” Bankole is a professor of Psychiatry at the Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine (VTCSOM) and is the program director of the VTCSOM Geriatric Psychiatry fellowship program. Her research interests include schizophrenia in later life, dementia related agitation, and the use of sensor technology in older adults. Dr. Bankole is a co-principal investigator on the Behavioral and Environmental Sensing and Intervention for Dementia Caregiver Empowerment study funded by the National Science Foundation in partnership with systems engineers at North Carolina Agriculture and Technology State University and computer engineers at University of Virginia. She is currently working with researchers at Virginia Tech to establish interdisciplinary research collaborative platforms for researchers across departments and colleges within the university.
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Filed Under: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion