
What Are Your Thanksgiving Traditions?

November 8, 2023 by

ThanksgivingPlease help us celebrate this holiday by providing responses to the questions below that will be published alongside contributions from team members across UVA Health. Deadline: Friday, Nov. 17.

  • What is your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
  • What is an absolute must-have food on the table? (Share the recipe!)
  • What has to happen on the holiday or otherwise Thanksgiving feels incomplete? (e.g., watch football or favorite holiday movie, cook with relatives/friends, enjoy a token bite of canned cranberry jelly)
  • What does Thanksgiving mean to you?
  • What are you giving thanks for this year?

Send a photo of a favorite Thanksgiving celebration if you have one handy! To participate, email answers to any (or all!) of the questions to the Connect team at Your responses will appear in a special Thanksgiving article on Connect on Nov. 20.

Filed Under: Community