Third-grade students from Venable Elementary School embarked on a journey into the world of science during a recent field-trip in April to the Department of Cell Biology at the UVA School of Medicine.
Driven by enthusiasm and curiosity, the students engaged with some of the research being carried out in the DeSimone laboratory. They learned about morphogenesis, the intricate process responsible for “sculpting” embryonic cells and tissues into recognizable structures like limbs, heads and tails. They also got to see how frog embryos are used to study these processes.
Under the guidance of David Shook, PhD, and Bette Dzamba, PhD, senior scientists in the DeSimone lab, and lab tech Ben Edwards, the students were treated to a short presentation that introduced them to the mystery of how a single cell develops into a complex organism such as a frog. Highlights of their visit included using microscopes to reveal the otherwise hidden details of developing embryos and mastering the art of pipetting solutions.
The students peppered the scientists with questions about frogs, embryos, and the life of a scientist, opening the door to the possibility of pursuing their own scientific endeavors in the future. The visit proved to be an enriching experience for all, nurturing a passion for exploration among the budding scientists of tomorrow and reminding the more experienced hosts of the joy of discovery that led them to pursue research in the first place.
Photos courtesy of Lisa Shook.
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