On February 20, the Department of Anesthesiology, Department of Surgery, Division of Cardiac Surgery, and the TCV-PO ICU partnered with the UVA School of Education and a community program called Starr Hill Pathways to hold a community outreach event in the UVA Medical Simulation Center. The event focused on facilitating the Starr Hill Pathways program mission of exposing local middle school age students to a wide variety of career pathways.
At the event, 8 middle school students came to the simulation center where they watched a slide show presentation on various career options including anesthesia technician, administrative office roles in medicine, CRNA, anesthesiology, nurse practitioner, and physician assistant. After the brief slide show, the students were immersed in 4 simulation-based medical cases where they had the opportunity to fill the role of the above listed careers in a simulation-based environment.
Feedback from the School of Education and Starr Hill Pathways leaders was extremely positive, both stating the program was enjoyable and impactful to the students in attendance. The Starr Hill Pathways group indicated interest in future events, leaving open the opportunity for an ongoing partnership and continued positive impact on our community.
Thank you to UVA’s The Equity Center and Star Hill Pathways for the great work they are doing to expose students to a wide variety of careers.
Filed Under: Community, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion