**Location changed to Garrett Hall, 235 McCormick Road **
Wednesday, November 29 | noon-1pm | Rotunda Dome Room
This event is open to the entire UVA community. Learn more about other UVA educational opportunities to better understand the ongoing conflict in the Middle East.
Please join us for a discussion with UVA team members who have served in conflict zones and unstable environments during their careers. Moderated by Professor Kirsten Gelsdorf of the Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy, the panel will discuss potential roles for medical professionals in conflict zones, how UVA members have contributed in times of instability, and ways that our faculty have experienced hope in times of darkness. The goal of the discussion is to provide a forum that allows us all to share in our concerns about current conflicts and also provide hope as UVA students prepare themselves to have a positive impact in the future.
As our community continues to be affected by the aching conflict in Israel and Gaza, this open forum is an opportunity for students, faculty, staff, and members of the broader community gather, learn from the understanding and perspectives we have to offer as a knowledge institution, and foster opportunities for civil, empathetic, and informed assembly and exchange.
- Kirsten Gelsdorf, Moderator, Professor and Director of Global Humanitarian Policy, UVA Frank Batten School of Leadership and Public Policy
- Andrew Muck, MD, Professor and Chair, Department of Emergency Medicine, UVA School of Medicine
- Mark Weathers, MBA, Chief of Staff, UVA School of Medicine
- Leigh Grossman, MD, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, UVA School of Medicine
- Andy Thomson, MD, Assistant Director, UVA Center for the Study of the Mind and Human Interaction
- Greg Saathoff, MD, Professor, Departments of Public Health Sciences and Emergency Medicine, UVA School of Medicine
Filed Under: Community