Ann Kellams, MD, helping new mother with breastfeeding.
The Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care (mPINC) survey is a national survey by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that measures how closely hospitals are following the recommended best practices for maternity care and infant feeding.
In the CDC’s 2024 mPINC survey, UVA Health scored a 92 out of 100 points, while the national average is in the low 80’s. This demonstrates UVA Health’s commitment to providing the best care nationwide for new families as they learn to care for their infant and establish breastfeeding. Research has shown that this level of support for new families is associated with improved breastfeeding outcomes for infants up to age one.
Since 2015, UVA Health Medical Center has held the prestigious Baby Friendly Hospital designation, which is the direct result of years of dedicated work and continued engagement to ensure the highest standards of care for mothers and babies. The work is a collaborative effort between the UVA Labor and Delivery, Mother-Baby and Postpartum, and Breastfeeding Medicine teams and the UVA Departments of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Anesthesiology and Family Medicine. Together, they have fully-implemented the World Health Organization’s Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding, and chosen to not accept free formula from the commercial infant feeding industry. UVA Health also has a Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine clinic open five days per week to support lactating individuals and their infants through counseling and medical management of any concerns as they arise. UVA Health employees are entitled to a free prenatal consultation by calling 434-982-3316.
Congratulations to all of our team members who were instrumental in achieving this national recognition for excellence in maternity care and optimal infant-feeding maternity practices.
Filed Under: Clinical, Honors & Awards