
One Team United on Access — Did You Know? We Now Have a Panel Management Process in Place for Primary Care Physicians

August 27, 2024 by

Did You Know ? Graphic

Prior to United on Access, UVA Health has never had a panel management process for primary care physicians (PCPs). It is important to have this process in place, so we know when to open or close our PCP panels to new patients. This is a common practice across the country throughout primary care.

In determining the PCP panel size, UVA Health used the American Medical Group Association (AMGA) 2023 National Panel Size Academic Benchmark and methodology to determine the targets for PCPs. The AMGA panel size data are risk adjusted. The goal is for our PCPs to eventually reach the median benchmark in their respective risk adjusted primary care specialties for panel size. Currently, the risk adjusted panel sizes for many of our PCPs are significantly smaller than the AMGA national specialty specific benchmarks. Given all the change related to the four-hour sessions, templates, etc., UVA Health leadership is currently not asking physicians to increase their risk adjusted panel sizes to the national benchmarks. Working with the chairs of internal medicine, pediatrics, and family medicine, panel size targets were developed that remain much smaller than the AMGA national benchmarks. This will be an intermediate goal. As this is a new process for UVA Health, PCP panels will be assessed consistently every 3-6 months to determine what if any changes need to be considered. In the future, after United on Access has been fully implemented, risk adjusted panel sizes will be re-evaluated and we will set as our goal achieving panel sizes for our physicians that are on par with the national benchmarks.

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Filed Under: Clinical