(left to right) Anita Sites, NP; Nicolas Goldaracena, MD; Emily Lyster;, and Curtis Argo MD
Nicolas Goldaracena, MD, surgical director of the UVA Living Donor Transplant Program and UVA Pediatric Liver Transplant Program, reestablished UVA Health’s living donor liver transplant program for pediatric patients in July 2022, after a 15-year break. There were 3 living donor cases in pediatric patients last year, with 4 more pediatric living donor transplants projected so far in 2023. UVA Health is the only institution in the Common Wealth of Virginia providing this complex approach to treat pediatric patients with end-stage liver disease.
The collaboration between the living donor program and the pediatric liver transplant team was successful due to Dr. Goldaracena’s efforts and the rest of the living donor transplant team which includes medical director Curtis Argo, MD; Anita Sites, NP, living donor nurse practitioner and lead coordinator; and Emily Lyster, independent living donor advocate.
During April’s National Donate Life Month, we want to express a special thank you to Dr. Goldaracena and the entire team for their outstanding commitment to providing excellent clinical care to all our patients in Virginia and beyond.