Question: What is CART and why do we need to define effort according to the CART?
Answer: Standardized effort reporting ensures accurate and consistent comparisons between departments and to the benchmarks, which are important in a productivity-based clinical compensation system. It is important in this phase that we document all effort that is Clinical, Administrative, Research, and/or Teaching (CART). This includes the elimination of unfunded effort for undefined roles. The Steering Committee recommended that each defined CART role must be supported by budgeted dollars from an external source (e.g., grants), the SOM, the Medical Center, or the department. Each defined CART role will have a job description, defined outcomes, and a term limit, and annual reviews will be conducted for each defined role. Standardizing effort reporting in this manner results in a transparent and consistent process for effort and roles across all departments that is fair and equitable.
If you have specific questions about the Clinical Compensation Plan redesign, please contact your department chair or Department Compensation Plan Committee members. You may also send an email inquiry to: Further, an internal website is being developed that will host information on the Clinical Compensation Plan. More details to follow.
Filed Under: Clinical