Question: How are faculty involved in providing input into the design of the Clinical Compensation Plan?
Answer: During Phase 1 of this effort, a Steering Committee was established which consisted of faculty from across the departments including some Chairs, the leader of COWIMS, a member from the Faculty Senate, a representative from the DEI office, the SAD for Faculty Affairs and Faculty Development, and the CEO of UPG. Administrative staff members were also included. The Steering Committee met seven times over the fall and winter to develop recommendations around a broad SOM Clinical Compensation Plan. As each topic was addressed, the recommendations were presented to the Clinical Chairs and Department administrators to receive their input. The refined recommendations were then presented to the Executive Council, which consisted of the Dean, CEO of the Medical Center, and CEO of UPG, for final approval. After approval, the information was disseminated in slide format to the Clinical Chairs to be presented in the departmental faculty meetings. As part of Phase 2, each Department has formed a Departmental Compensation Committee that has been meeting regularly over several months, with a minimum of at least 6 meetings. Each Department Compensation Committee is charged with developing the Department Clinical Compensation Plan that is consistent with the overarching SOM Clinical Compensation Plan. The membership of the Department Compensation Committees is mostly faculty. This phase is the most important as the specific needs of each department are unique.
If you have specific questions about the Clinical Compensation Plan redesign, please contact your department chair or Department Compensation Plan Committee members. You may also send an email inquiry to: Further, an internal website is being developed that will host information on the Clinical Compensation Plan. More details to follow.
Filed Under: Clinical