Research in Motion: Jamie Zoellner, PhD
I focus on diet and nutrition risk factors in rural communities. More and more recently, I've also been spending time thinking about cancer screening and how to improve colorectal cancer…
NIH Director’s Award Bestowed on International Team of Researchers for Maternal Health Study
The Azithromycin Prophylaxis in Labor Use Study (A-PLUS) trial group, an international coalition of researchers including UVA's William Petri, MD, PHD, a professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases and…
Research by UVA Scientist Evan Scott, PhD, Could Help Prevent Organ Transplant Rejection
Organ transplantation is an incredible medical accomplishment that unfortunately still presents significant unsolved challenges, including rejection by the body’s immune system. Although a lifetime of immune-suppressing medicine is the standard…
Faulty ‘Fight or Flight’ Drives Deadly C. Difficile Infections
The portion of our nervous systems responsible for the “fight or flight” response can shape the severity of potentially deadly C. difficile infections, new research from the School of Medicine reveals. The…
A Healthier Future — One Clinical Trial at a Time: An Interview With Antonio Abbate, MD, PhD
Antonio Abbate, MD, PhD, the Ruth C. Heede Professor of Cardiology in the Department of Medicine, joined the UVA School of Medicine in July 2022. As a cardiologist, Dr. Abbate…
Research in Motion: Heather Ferris, MD, PhD
I take care of older adults with diabetes, and my lab is interested in how brain metabolism affects your risk for developing dementia. In particular, we’re interested in how buildup…
In Beer Yeast, Scientists Find Potential Path to Starving Cancer
The discovery of a surprising way yeast used to brew beer can survive starvation could open the door to new treatments for cancer. The discovery, from University of Virginia School…
Natasha Sheybani PhD, an assistant professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Virginia School of Engineering and School of Medicine, will collaborate with researchers at Children’s National Hospital to…