
Category: Research

William A. Petri Jr., MD, PhD and Team Find Common Antibiotic Can Reduce Risk of Death During Childbirth


A single dose of the antibiotic azithromycin can help protect mothers from dangerous sepsis infections and death during vaginal childbirth, a sweeping new international study from a UVA Health scientist and…

Research in Motion Video: Jochen Zimmer, PhD


Forming extracellular matrices is very critical for a healthy system, organism to function and thrive. If we are able to actually reconstitute or recapitulate the formation of these extracellular matrices…

Hoos in STEM Podcast Celebrates UVA STEM Discoveries and Innovation


A new biweekly podcast called Hoos in STEM dropped its first episode on February 11, 2023. Funded by the Provost's Office, the podcast features a rundown of UVA STEM discoveries…

Nadia Lunardi, MD, Finds Animal Models Could Help Researchers Decipher the Mechanisms Underpinning Human Delirium


A new review paper published this month in Alzheimer’s & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association underscores the need for high-quality animal models to advance the understanding of the…

Sanja Arandjelovic, PhD Awarded Two Grants for $2.5 Million to Study Molecular Mechanisms and Targeted Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis


Sanja Arandjelovic, PhD, an assistant professor in the Department of Nephrology, received two NIH awards for $2.5 million to study molecular mechanisms and targeted therapies for rheumatoid arthritis. The first…

Jayakrishna Ambati, MD, and Shao-bin Wang, PhD, Discover Potential New Way to Prevent Vision Loss


UVA Health School of Medicine scientists have discovered an unknown contributor to harmful blood vessel growth in the eye that could lead to new treatments for blinding macular degeneration and…

Research in Motion Video: Allan Tsung, MD


I am a cancer surgeon as well as a cancer researcher. One of my research goals is to determine the role of exercise, exercise before an operation and how it…

Moore Laboratory Awarded $100,000 Grant from The Jefferson Trust


Harnessing the power of light to transform Organ-on-a-chip technology is the focus of new research by Sean Moore, MD, and his research team. Dr. Moore, a professor and researcher in…