
Category: Media Highlights

Discovery May Reduce Need for Life-Threatening Amputations


What started as an incidental discovery in a chemistry lab has turned into a project to help drug makers and doctors better heal the common and often intractable foot wounds…

New Gene Targets Discovered for Treatment of Inflammatory Disease


A group of genes that has been largely ignored by scientists could play critical roles in atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), inflammation, and likely obesity and other metabolic diseases, new research suggests. The discovery was…

New Breast Cancer Approach Being Tested by Husband-and-Wife Doctors at UVA


By Joshua Barney Husband-and-wife doctors at the UVA Cancer Center have been awarded more than $1.8 million from the National Institutes of Health for their effort to improve radiation therapy and breast…

Learning Communities Enhance Life & Learning for Students


Eight years ago, we instituted a new curriculum for the School of Medicine (SOM). With that, we also created learning communities, longitudinal-support, mentoring and curricular structures to help our students…

2018 Endowed Chair Electees & Faculty Awards


Congratulations to the faculty listed below who were newly elected to these endowed chairs and who received these School of Medicine faculty awards. A ceremony and reception were held to…

Photos: Medical and Nursing Students Unwind with Comforting Canine Companions


Call it the paws that refresh: University of Virginia medical and nursing students took a break from their studies to de-stress with comforting canine companions. UVA’s popular therapy dogs —…

UVA School of Medicine Recognized Nationally for Diversity, Inclusion Efforts


For its commitment to diversity and inclusion, the University of Virginia School of Medicine has earned a national award from a higher education magazine. For the seventh consecutive year, UVA…

Study Suggests Simple Scoring System Could Help Patients Avoid Diabetes


By Josh Barney A simple scoring system can track the reduction in diabetes risk produced by lifestyle changes and medication in people with pre-diabetes, a new study has found. The findings…