
Category: Media Highlights

Tajie Harris, PhD, Featured in The New York Times and Time Discussing Brain Parasites


Tajie Harris, PhD, an associate professor in the Department of Neuroscience, was recently featured in The New York Times and Time discussing the effects of parasites on the human brain.…

JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, Interviewed by NBC Nightly News About Nonhormonal Menopause Drugs


JoAnn Pinkerton, MD, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology and director of the UVA Midlife Center, led a clinical trial examining a potential new treatment for menopause symptoms. She discussed…

Hoos in STEM Graduation Episode Features Public Health Sciences Graduate Grant GianGrassio


In the latest Hoos in STEM podcast episode, host Ken Ono, PhD, and student producers Reeya Verma and Catherine Cossaboom interview four graduating students as "shining examples of our amazing…

George Bloom, PhD, Discusses Cellular Basis of Alzheimer’s on Hoos in Stem Podcast


Alzheimer's pioneer and UVA faculty George Bloom, PhD, was interviewed for Hoos in STEM podcast, episode 22, about understanding of Alzheimer's mechanisms, the current state of treatment, recent advances in…

Scott Heysell, MD, Publishes Article About Impact of Undernutrition on Human Health for The Wire


Scott Heysell, MD, MPH, the Thomas H. Hunter Associate Professor of International Medicine, and former UVA medical student Pranay Sinha MD, who is an assistant professor of medicine and infectious…

Li Li, MD, PhD, Writes Forward for Storylines of Family Medicine


As the field of family medicine celebrates 55 years, the April issue of a leading international journal Family Medicine and Community Health (FMCH), published by BMJ Journals, is dedicated to…

Jim Daniero, MD, and Don Griffin, PhD, Discuss Regenerating Vocal Cords and Airways with Novel Biomaterials


The human voice box is a delicate, complex and highly specialized structure that enables the fine control and wondrous beauty of speech and song. When vocal cords are damaged, recovery…

Kathryn Mutter, MD, Featured in AAMC News About UVA School of Medicine Intern Readiness Course


M. Kathryn Mutter, MD, MPH, an associate professor of emergency medicine, was featured in AAMC News story about Transition to Residency (TTR) courses, often referred to as TTR bootcamps, that…