
Office for Research Solicits Projects and Faculty Mentors for the Medical Student Summer Research Program

March 27, 2024 by

UVA Research LogoThe SOM Office for Research is soliciting projects for the Medical Student Summer Research Program (MSSRP). The MSSRP is a summer research experience offered to our medical students as an important way to enrich their medical education and enhance exposure to biomedical research. The program is restricted to rising second-year UVA medical students.

Key features of the program:

  1. Seven-week program. Students work a minimum of 35 days x 8 hours.
  2. Participants in the MSSRP are enrolled as students. As such, the $3,200 will be paid to the MSSRP participants as a stipend/fellowship.
  3. All mentors will need to identify a funding source(s) where a student stipend/fellowship is an allowable cost and the mentors will need to provide information about the eligible worktag for these charges. If the preceptor/mentor is unable to pay the full amount, the School of Medicine can provide co-funding of up to $1100 to a limited number of preceptors. More information on this process is found below.
  4. The Dean’s Office pays the Summer Session fees for all student participants.
  5. The department is responsible for ensuring that the worktag is SIS-allowed and that the expenditure type (stipend) is allowed prior to submitting the worktag to MSSRP. Any requests to allow worktags to be used in SIS (or questions about worktags) may be sent to
  6. As mentioned above, the School of Medicine can provide co-funding of up to $1,100 for one student per preceptor for a limited number of preceptors. To request co-funding, send Joyce Fortune an e-mail with a discussion/documentation of financial need. Please note that co-funding by the School of Medicine is limited. If you, as the mentor, have received MSSRP co-funding in the past, you will not be eligible for these funds in subsequent years.

The large number of returning preceptors is a testimonial to the productivity of these students. A detailed program description can be found at the MSSRP web page. The on-line forms described below also are accessible from this page (see menu on right side).

If you wish to participate in the program:

  1.  Complete the On-line Preceptor Form (see 2024 On-line Preceptor Form). Once the preceptor form is completed, a short description of the proposed project will be posted to the SOM research web site for students to review.
  2. Students will contact you directly. Feel free to discuss your project with more than one student and select the best fit for your research group.
  3. To complete your “match” for the program, student and preceptor must complete the 2024 On-line Student Match Form.
  4. Please submit your proposed project(s) as soon as possible so that there is ample time to match students with mentors.
  5. Matches must be made no later than April 30, 2024.

Questions? Contact Joyce Fortune.


Filed Under: Call for Nominations, Research