CHRC Research Day Symposium on May 26, 2022.
Call for Abstracts
The Child Health Research Center is soliciting abstracts for two upcoming events: The Trainee Competition on May 12 and Research Day on May 25. The Research Trainee Competition features platform presentations by residents, medical fellows, medical students, graduate students, and undergraduates. Top presentations from the Trainee Competition will be selected for oral presentation at the annual Research Day Symposium, showcasing their work alongside senior investigators from established labs. Detailed information is posted on our website (follow the link below).
The 35th Annual Research Day Symposium on May 25 is a full day of events. The keynote speaker this year is Louis J. Muglia, MD, PhD, President and CEO of the Burroughs Wellcome Fund. Each year 40 participants from many different labs display poster presentations of their research. Members of the public, faculty and colleagues are invited to engage in lively discussion followed by lunch in the Quayle Center. This important forum enables a free exchange of ideas and an opportunity to challenge the next generation of researchers.
Abstracts are due by April 14. Read the submission guidelines.
Call for Nominations for Kendig Research Award
The Kendig Research Award is given annually to a fellow in the School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics who has demonstrated excellence in clinical or basic science research over the course of his or her fellowship. Success in research is determined by: letters from mentors, manuscripts submitted or accepted for publication, and grants awarded during the fellowship. Nominations due by April 14. Learn more about the nomination process.
For more information, please email RpedsResearch@hscmail.mcc.virginia.edu or visit the Child Health Research Center website.
Filed Under: Call for Nominations