

Faculty Nominations Sought for Academic Standards and Achievement Committee


Nominations and self-nominations for the School of Medicine's Academic Standards and Achievement Committee (medical student promotions committee) are being accepted. There are four open positions, beginning in May. Members on…

Spark-Winning Idea a Springboard for Greater Support for Lactating Parents


Returning to work after parental leave is tough. You’re dealing with a lack of sleep, separation anxiety and new routines. For lactating team members, there are the added challenges of…

Hoos in STEM Podcast Celebrates UVA STEM Discoveries and Innovation


A new biweekly podcast called Hoos in STEM dropped its first episode on February 11, 2023. Funded by the Provost's Office, the podcast features a rundown of UVA STEM discoveries…

COWIMS Offers Leadership Development Travel Award


The Committee on Women in Medicine and Science  (COWIMS) is thrilled to offer for the first time a Leadership Development Travel Award, in the amount of $1,000, for to up…

Get to Know Scott Hollenbeck, MD — Chair of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery


Scott Thomas Hollenbeck, MD, began serving as the chair of the Department of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery on November 28, 2022.  He came to UVA School of Medicine from Duke…

Rasheed A. Balogun, MD Secures Two Years of Funding to Continue Collaboration with Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital


Rasheed A. Balogun, MD, in collaboration with the Nigerian counterpart at Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital, was awarded support to continue the International Society of Nephrology’s Sister Renal Center (ISN-SRC)…

UVA Medical Center CEO Wendy Horton Named to Modern Healthcare’s ‘Top 25 Women Leaders’ List


Leading national healthcare publication Modern Healthcare has named Wendy Horton, PharmD, MBA, the chief executive officer of University of Virginia Medical Center, to the magazine’s 2023 list of Top 25…

School of Medicine Students Organize 40th Annual SOM 5K


Put on your running shoes! On April 8, students at the School of Medicine will host their 40th annual 5K run to benefit Camp Holiday Trails. James Vithoulkas and Kavi…