After 15 years of service Judy Pointer will retire on July 1, 2022. Judy joined the UVA family in 2006, and has been instrumental in building lasting relationships with many of our diverse students within the School of Medicine. She has worked in the School of Medicine Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion for 16 years as the Program Coordinator. Judy has seen many transitions, graduations, celebrations throughout her service. She was also responsible for the planning, managing, organizing and recruitment activities for our current and prospective medical students while emphasizing the importance of increasing diversity from our minority and underrepresented populations.
Judy served as a liaison to the UVA Diversity Council. She has been the Committee Chair for the Martin Luther King Jr. Health System Awards Program for 11 years, and committee member for the “Living the Promise – Celebrating the Legacy,” recognizing the first African-Americans to attend the University of Virginia (1950-69). She also worked with the Student National Medical Association, Latino Medical Student Association, as well as several underrepresented minority student organizations. She has been a mentor and partner to many of our students of color here at the University, where her relationships are going to be truly missed.
Her last day in the office is on June 15, and she will be officially retired as of July 1, 2022.
We wish Judy all the best and we thank her for her dedication and support to our students and the University of Virginia, School of Medicine as a whole.
Filed Under: Community, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion