
8/8/24 issue

Meet Raphael Malbrue, DVM, Attending Veterinarian and Director of the Center for Comparative Medicine at UVA


One year ago, the University of Virginia hired Raphael (Ralph) Malbrue, DVM, as the attending veterinarian and director of the Center for Comparative Medicine. He is responsible for animal care…

Category: Featured

Ralph Malbrue UVA

Research in Motion: Scott T. Hollenbeck, MD


The area I'm most excited about with my research is the development of a soft tissue filler, which can be used to help patients recover from surgeries such as mastectomy…

Category: Research


Steven Munger, PhD, Awarded $2.6 Million to Study How Smell Function Varies


Steven D. Munger, PhD, professor and co-director of research in the Department of Otolaryngology–Head and Neck Surgery, was awarded a $2.6 million grant from the National Institute on Deafness and…

Category: Research


Muge Kuyumcu-Martinez, PhD, Unveils Pioneering Research on Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome


Muge Kuyumcu-Martinez, PhD, a professor in the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biological Physics at UVA, recently presented her groundbreaking research on Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS) at the American…

Category: Research

Muge Kuyumcu-Martinez

Komen Supports UVA Engineering Researchers Targeting ‘Triple Negative’ Breast Cancer


Through precision medicine, the University of Virginia is working toward a world in which no more pink ribbons are necessary. To that end, Susan G. Komen announced support for the…

Category: Research


Jim Zimring, MD, PhD, Publishes Article in The Scientist: A Call for Associate Editors’ Active Engagement in Manuscript Review


Jim Zimring, MD, PhD, the Thomas W. Tillack Professor of Experimental Pathology, published an op-ed story in The Scientist about the importance of associate editors actively engaging in the manuscript…

Category: Research

James Zimring, MD, PhD

One Team United on Access — Did You Know? Providers Will Not be Penalized for Late Cancellations and/or No Shows


Providers will not be penalized for late cancellations and/or no shows. Late cancellations and no shows have no impact on the 4 Hour Session Adherence or Scheduled Slot Adherence metrics.…

Category: Clinical

One Team United on Access, Did You Know ? Graphic

Clinical Compensation Plan — Question of the Week: Is there a comprehensive ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ document about the SOM Clinical Compensation Plan?


Question: Is there a comprehensive Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) document about the SOM Clinical Compensation Plan? Answer: Yes. It was sent to all clinical faculty on Wednesday, August 7, 2024.…

Category: Clinical

Clinical Compensation Plan Graphic - Question of the Week

School of Medicine MD Class of 2028 Attends Orientation Week


The School of Medicine was thrilled to welcome the Class of 2028 first-year medical students on August 7, 2024. The students were greeted by Dean Melina Kibbe, Senior Associate Dean for…

Category: Education

Dean Melina Kibbe, MD, greeted SMD 2028 during orientation week.

BIMS Graduate Student Yogindra Raghav Invited to Speak at Gordon Research Seminar on Post-Transcriptional Gene Regulation


Yogindra Raghav, a second-year PhD student in the Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics program in the Biomedical Sciences Graduate Program at UVA, was invited to present a research poster at the…

Category: Education


Department of Medicine and Division of Nephrology Host Kidney, Urologic, and Hematology Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium


The Department of Medicine and Division of Nephrology hosted an amazing meeting of undergraduate students from around the country who attended the annual National Institutes of Health Kidney, Urologic, and…

Category: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Dept of Med Summer Undergrad Symp group shot

UVA Health Earns National Pharmacy Award for Excellent Patient Care


UVA Health has earned the 2024 High-Value Pharmacy Award from Premier Inc., a leading healthcare improvement company, for providing exceptional leadership and delivering great value for pharmacy patients. Premier’s High-Value Pharmacy Award…

Category: Honors & Awards


Monique Dufour, PhD, Named Director of Faculty Development


The School of Medicine Office of Faculty Affairs and Development is excited to announce the appointment of Monique Dufour, PhD, as the Director of Faculty Development. In this role, Dr.…

Category: Faculty

Monique Dufour UVA

Kelly Shaffer, PhD, and Chongzhi Zang, PhD, Join Cancer Center Leadership


Kelly Shaffer, PhD, Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, and Chongzhi Zang, PhD, Associate Professor of Genome Sciences, have joined UVA Cancer Center’s leadership in newly-created positions. Dr. Shaffer…

Category: Faculty


Applications Now Open for the AAMC’s Mid-Career Women Leadership Development Seminar


Applications are now open for the AAMC’s Mid-Career Women Leadership Development Seminar. School of Medicine women associate professors are encouraged to apply. For this seminar, the Committee on Women in…

Category: Faculty


Anita Clayton, MD, Study About Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder Highlighted and Reviewed in Psychiatric Times


Anita Clayton, MD, a professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences, published a study in the American Journal of Psychiatry that was highlighted and reviewed by Psychiatric Times. The…

Category: Media Highlights

Anita Clayton, MD

John Gazewood, MD, Featured on TV Stations Nationally Discussing Better Ways to Screen Patients for Opioid-Use Disorder


John Gazewood, MD, a family medicine physician, was featured locally and nationally on TV stations discussing innovative methods to improve opioid-use disorder screening. Recent drug overdose statistics reveal that, on…

Category: Media Highlights


White Coat Ceremony, Endowed by the Class of 1965, Planned for August 16


On Friday, August 16, the 2024 White Coat Ceremony, endowed by the Class of 1965, will celebrate the incoming Class of 2028 medical students. All ceremony attendees will need a…

Category: Education
